- Launched the "Amanda Wu 吳苡嫣" Youtube channel


- Launched Fashion Store on the website


- Released an Original EP "The Journey On Earth, vol. 2: Stories of Time"

- Toured in Taiwan, U.S. and Europe

- All the songs in this EP are premiered on the U.S. Media

- "The Chaos Of The Snow" is selected by Jazziz magazine

- Interviewed by U.S. Jazz Radio, Female entrepreneur and Fashion magazine

- Performed in Rome


- Launched the blog www.amandayiyen.com, integrating creative Music, Fashion, Idea and Journey


- Selected by AIESEC as the top 50 influential people from Taiwan

- Released the original EP, "The Journey On Earth, Vol.1: Unknown"

- Collaborated with Paul Wickliffe, the mixing engineer of Mariah Carey for "The Journey On Earth, Vol.1: Unknown"

- Obtain the scholarship from a language school in Milan, Italy. Moved to Milan from New York


- Performed a electronic and Jazz/Pop show on "Taiwan Week" in NYC

- Collaborated with the Bassist from Village Vanguard big band for the original EP "The Journey on Earth, Vol.1: Unknown "


- Obtained "Aliens with extraordinary ability"visa of the United States and move to Manhattan, New York.

- Interviewed by a website "www.womany.net"

- Performed in "Asian music connection" festival and"Asian Film Festival" with Joanna Wang


- TEDx Taipei performer and speaker for the event "The power of Journey"

- Interviewed by MOT/TIME for the event "The power of Journey" by TED x Taipei

- Interviewed by "Chew People magazine" in the series of the best hand craft in Taiwan

- Performed in "Golden Horse Awards" (Asian version of Oscar)

- Performed in Taichung and Shanghai Jazz Festival

- Performed House music party with the celebrity DJ Xuan Liu in Taipei

- Gave a speech for the big event "one carat dreams" as a dream achiever

- Arranger of the Artist under Sony music, Joanna Wang's album "The adventure of Bernie the schoolboy"


- Release the first Jazz album "Jazz without Time Zones"

- Invited by Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra to play

- E-piano for the masterpiece of Hollywood famous composer, George Fenton "The Blue Planet"

- Invited by a famous lounge club "BARCODE" to perform "Jazzy Vogue Party" as keyboard player and vocalist

- Tour performance for  the album "Jazz without Time Zones" across Taiwan

- Invited by Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra to play the keyboard for Andrea Bocelli tour concerts

- Invited by Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra to play the piano with the soundtrack composer "Joe Hisaishi" in Taiwan

- Invited by Canadian flutist "Ron Korb" to play the piano in the tour concerts in Taiwan

- Interviewed by the biggest Taiwanese classical website
"T-classical" Giving a full speech for the "Chopin and Jazz" master class organized by Starbucks


- As the representative and spoke model for KORG, World leader musical instruments

- Playing Electronic Show "Jazz Vogue Party" at the most popular night club "Room 18"

- Performing Jazz Master class by Eslite Bookstore

- Performing Jazz Trio at concert hall of the Industrial Bank of Taiwan


- Recording piano tracks for a theater play "The importance of being earnest" produced by National Theater of Canada.

- Teaching Keyboard and Music Theory in Hwa Gan High school of Arts

- Composing original soundtrack for the documentary, Lust Caution, produced by Phoenix TV channel.


- Performing at Upstairs, House of Jazz in Montreal Canada


- Accepted by McGill University, Faculty of Music, Concentration on Jazz Piano


- Studied at Musi-Technic college in Montreal Canada


- Played Oboe Concerto in the university concert

- Performed in China with Taiwanese Youth woodwind band


- Accepted with the highest marks by Fu Jen University, Department of Music, Major in Piano

- Accepted by National Taipei University of Arts, Department of Music, Major in Oboe


- Performed across Europe (France, Austria, Hungary, Romania) with Taiwanese Youth orchestra


- Performed in the Lincoln Center, New York, with Double-Ten Junior Orchestra Performance


- The third time to represent Taiwan to Thailand (Bangkok) to perform the composition, "Syncopation Violin"

- Performed Haydn C major oboe concerto at the graduation concert of Guang-Fu elementary school


- Tour in Australia with Guang-Fu elementary school orchestra

- Obtained music scholarship for 5 years since 1994 to 1998


- The second time represent Taiwan to Indonesia to perform the composition, "The Dancing Girl"


- 開始經營 YouTube 音樂頻道:Amanda Wu 吳苡嫣


- 於網站開設時尚商店


- 發行原創EP【地球旅程,第二輯:時間故事】於台灣、美國、歐洲巡迴演出

- 【地球旅程,第二輯:時間故事】榮登美國媒體 "Vents Magazine" , "Asian Pop Weekly", "AXS" , "Entertainmentwise" 首播

- “紛亂雪” 獲選收錄於 Jazziz 雜誌夏日合輯並接受美國爵士電臺、女性創業家雜誌、時尚雜誌人物專訪

- 受邀於台中爵士音樂節演出,與加拿大音樂家共組 “蒙特婁的爵士對話”


- 創立 www.amandayiyen.com 關於創意音樂、時尚、想法、旅居旅遊之部落格。以及線上音樂商店


- 發行原創EP:【地球旅程,第一輯:未知】後製由瑪莉亞凱莉御用混音師 Paul Wickliffe 操刀

- 獲義大利語文學校獎學金,移居米蘭


- 於紐約Taiwan Week 演唱電子舞曲,電影主題曲

- 活躍於曼哈頓各大小表演空間

- 與Village Vanguard Big Band Bassist 合作錄製 【地球旅程】 系列原創EP


- 取得美國藝術家傑出人才簽證,旅居紐約

- 接受 “女人迷” Womeny.net 人物專訪 “從內在就漂亮的女人”

- 與創作歌手王若琳 Joanna Wang 於內地商演


- 受 TEDx Taipei 邀請,擔任 "旅程的力量" 講者及演奏者

- 接受 MOT/TIMES 焦點人物專訪- 擔任知名歌手"王若琳 Joanna Wang" 創作專輯 "博尼的大冒險" 之編曲及鍵盤手

- 於金馬獎頒獎典禮演出- 與新加坡歌手Olivia One 一同於上海爵士音樂節演出

- 於台中爵士音樂節演出- 受誠品音樂館邀請,於誠品酒窖主講"爵士、紅酒、夜" 爵士講座

- 與知名作家/DJ 劉軒演出浩室電音 PARTY 擔任 vocal and keyboard

- 於台北敦南誠品,主講夢想講座"一克拉的夢想"

- 接受《潮人物》 雜誌台灣極致手藝系列人物專訪


- 發行個人首張跨國爵士演奏專輯 "爵士零時差"

- 受國家交響樂團邀請,與好萊塢配樂大師 George Fenton 演出“藍色星球”多媒體音樂會

- 受國家交響樂團 (NSO) 邀請,與世界歌神男高音 Andrea Bocelli (波伽利) 於香港會展中心及台北小巨蛋演出

- 受國家交響樂團 (NSO) 邀請,與日本國寶級 動畫配樂大師 "久石讓"一起於亞洲巡迴音樂會中演出

- 受知名加拿大長笛梆笛演奏家 Ron Korb 邀請,擔任 Ron Korb 巡迴演奏會鋼琴

- 受誠品書店邀請主講士三重奏講座,【爵士三角效應】

- 受 MUZIK/星巴克咖啡邀請,主講爵士古典跨界講座【蕭邦戀爵士】


- 擔任全球知名電子鍵盤樂器 KORG 台灣區代言人

- 受勤美誠品音樂館邀請,舉辦 "Amanda 吳苡嫣 Jazz Trio 講座音樂會"

- 受台灣工業銀行邀請,舉辦"Amanda 吳苡嫣 爵士三重奏"音樂會


- 受加拿大國家戲劇學院邀請,為舞台劇 "The importance of being earnest" 錄製鋼琴配樂


- 畢業於 McGill (麥基爾)大學音樂系,以兩年的時間完成四年大學


- 考取 McGill (麥基爾) 大學音樂系,專攻爵士鋼琴


- 進入加拿大 Musi Technic 音樂科技學院就讀


- 以雙簧管主修,鋼琴副修,高分考取國立台北藝術大學,成為該屆雙簧管組唯一錄取者

- 以鋼琴主修,雙簧管副修推薦甄試第一名考取輔仁大學音樂系


- 以鋼琴組最高分考入國立台南藝術大學音樂系- 擔任OBOE,與台灣國立交響樂團附設青年管弦樂團赴歐洲巡迴演出 (法國、奧地利、匈牙利、羅馬尼亞)


- 擔任OBOE 及二胡,與雙十國中音樂班管弦樂團團和國樂團赴紐約林肯中心演出


- 於光復國小畢業音樂會中,獲選演出海頓雙簧管協奏曲,擔任雙簧管獨奏,由光復國小管弦樂團擔任協奏


- 擔任OBOE,與光復國小音樂班管弦樂團赴澳洲巡迴演出

EN / 中文


氣質出眾、集智慧才華於一身的吳苡嫣 Amanda Wu,散發著慧詰的閃耀、神秘的吸引力,是全方位音樂家/時尚部落客/創意思想家/環球旅行家。於2013年獲得美國傑出人才簽證,旅居紐約兩年,之後展開活躍國際舞台的斜槓人生。音樂風格多元,跨界爵士、古典、電子、流行樂,是演奏家、創作歌手,擅長高難度的自彈自唱,更是全球知名團體「太陽劇團」的儲備音樂家(鍵盤、歌唱、雙簧管)。

畢業於名校 McGill 大學音樂系,專攻爵士鋼琴,1982年出生於台灣 ,四歲開始學鋼琴,擁有絕對音感,從小即展現驚人的音樂才華。從小學一年級考入音樂班就讀,主修鋼琴與雙簧管。在各大音樂比賽中表現亮眼,鋼琴、電子琴、雙簧管、歌唱、朗讀演講,都曾榮獲第一名。七歲開始創作,並於八歲、九歲、十二歲時,代表台灣赴新加坡、印尼、泰國演出創作曲。十九歲時,榮獲加拿大蒙特婁音樂營國際鋼琴大賽第一名。隨後留學加拿大蒙特婁,並破紀錄以兩年的時間唸完四年大學。隨後回台工作,開始各種跨界演出,曾受NSO國家交響樂團邀請,擔任鋼琴/電鋼琴,與好萊塢金獎大師 “George Fenton”、 世界歌神 “Andrea Bocelli”、日本國寶大師 『久石讓』同台演出。 並擔任創作歌手王若琳 『博尼的大冒險』 專輯編曲。與知名作家/DJ劉軒合作,製作電子音樂創作單曲 “Love is Too Short” 收錄於劉軒的電音專輯。年僅二十八歲時,即站上TED Talk舞台,演講她用跳脫框架思維,創造獨特的人生路徑,並演奏創作曲。達成階段性目標後,為了再度自我提升以及探索更多內外在世界,決定前往紐約,擴展更大的視野與可能性。順利取得極少數人才能符合資格的『美國傑出人才(藝術家)簽證』,旅居紐約兩年。隨後,獲得義大利語文學校獎學金,移居米蘭。之後往返於歐、亞、美洲之間。她勇敢穿梭於世界各地,憑著獨立堅毅的個性,一個人在世界各大城市居住、一個人旅行。


目前經營關於音樂、時尚、創意思維、旅居旅遊的部落格 amandayiyen.com 並成立線上商店,讓大家能輕鬆地在她精選的時尚平台購物。當然,她持續創作音樂、旅行世界,與大家分享更多作品與風景!

Amanda Wu, (吳苡嫣; December 23, 1982) is a Taiwanese Jazz & Classical pianist / Singer-songwriter / Oboist / Arranger / Fashion KOL / Inspirational Speaker and Globetrotter. She is the first and only Taiwanese musician to be selected by Cirque Du Soleil. Not only that, she is selected for not just one, but three instruments in the entertainment company, including keyboard, oboe, and backup vocals. Her versatility, “outside of box thinking” and rule-bending lifestyle got her noticed by TED at 28 years old, Amanda performed at TED x Taipei and spoke on The Power of Journey. Amanda is well-known for creating eclectic, Jazzy-pop style of music with deep classical influence, her elegant fashion style with modern attitude, tailored unique path of life, and her ability to push beyond her comfort zone. Her fearless ability to adapt to various different cultures has allowed her to become an influencer around the world.

Born in Taichung City, Amanda 苡嫣 grew up in Taiwan and studied classical piano and oboe at the top music schools. Since she was 8 years old, Amanda 苡嫣 has achieved countless awards in piano, oboe, singing, composition and speech. At the age 19, she won the champion in an international piano competition in Montreal. At the age of 20, she attended McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and graduated with a Bachelor degree in Music, with a concentration on Jazz Piano in 2006. Amanda 苡嫣 has traveled and performed all over the world and has resided in a few major cities, including New York City, Milan, Montreal and Taipei. During her career, Amanda 苡嫣 was invited by National Symphony Orchestra as the pianist and keyboardist to perform with celebrity musicians, including Italian vocalist Andrea Bocelli, Hollywood soundtrack composer George Fenton, Japanese animation soundtrack composer Joe Hisaishi,  DJ/Author Shiuan Liu 劉軒, and singer-songwriter Joanna Wang 王若琳. At 30 years old, she moved to New York City and obtained “Alien with Extraordinary Ability Visa, also known as a genius visa.” While in NYC, she began to restructure the career and life she truly desired. She did this by observing business elites and online influencers, and formatted the draft of her ultimate career. At 31 years old, she obtained a scholarship to learn Italian in Milan, Italy at ELLCI Italian Language School. Over these career years, she released 1 album and 2 EPs, including Jazz without Time Zones (2010), original series “The Journey On Earth”, Vol.1: Unknown (2014), and Vol.2: Stories of Time  (2017).

From Creative Musician to Blogger, from Blogger to YouTuber
In 2016, Amanda 苡嫣 expanded her brand beyond her music career. She integrated all her creative strengths, Music, Fashion, Spirituality and Journey, and incorporated them into her entire brand in a blog with fashion shops. With the collaboration with many fashion platforms, she officially became a fashion KOL. In 2020, she has remained the same 4 topics (Music, Fashion, Spirituality and Journey) and transformed the blog into YouTube, starting her YouTube Channel: Amanda Wu 吳苡嫣。For music, she is sharing her performance of classical, jazz and her rearrangement of pop music and originals. For fashion, she introduces her favorite brands. For Spirituality, she shares how to think and act beyond the conventional box and live the life that is tailored only for you. For Journey, she shares the solo trips that gives her the vision to see the outside world and inside world.    

Early Life

Childhood, (1982-1988):
At a young age, Amanda 苡嫣 clearly exhibited an array of creativity and music talents. When she was just 3 years old, she was able to mimic songs with accurate melody, rhythm, and pitch. It wasn’t until she started learning how to play the piano at 4 years old that her music teacher discovered she had perfect pitch.

Elementary School, (1989-1995):
Amanda 苡嫣 initiated her music career young when she enrolled in the prestigious music elementary school, Gung Fu. As a child music prodigy, she quickly exhibited phenomenal skill in piano, oboe, vocal and composition. She competed in JOC, organized by Yamaha, for 6 years, where she excelled. In 1991, 1992, and 1995, Amanda 苡嫣 not only made it to the final round of the competition, she was chosen to be the representative of Taiwan to perform her composition at the Asia Oceanic Junior Original Concert (AOJOC). Her first year in AJOC in 1991, when she was only 8 years old, she represented Taiwan in Singapore, performing a composition entitled, The Happy Vacation. In 1992, she traveled to Jakarta, Indonesia to perform her composition, The Dancing Girl. In 1995, she traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to perform her composition, Syncopation Violin. In addition to learning the piano and compose music in her youth, Amanda 苡嫣 began learning the oboe In 1994. When Yiyen was 11 years old, she toured with the school orchestra in Brisbane, Australia and Sydney, Australia. It was this year that Amanda won the first piano champion in a piano competition organized by the city government of Taichung. Additionally, she won first electronic organ champion at the national competition, a competition of all ages, including experienced adults. These awards had major positive impact in her music life. A year later, Amanda 苡嫣 won second place at the composition competition organized by the city government and, as a result, was chosen to speak at her graduation commencement. She was even recognized as an outstanding student by the government. To add to her plethora of musical skills, Amanda 苡嫣 also had a passion of singing and was lead vocalist in her school choir.

Junior High School, (1995-1998) :
Amanda 苡嫣 was 13 years old when she won second place in oboe in the Taichung City Music Competition and second place in oboe at Nationals. At 14 years old, she won first place in oboe and second place in piano at the Taichung Music Competition. At Nationals, Amanda 苡嫣 became champion in oboe and placed fifth in piano. That year, she went to a summer music camp in Zurich, Switzerland, later touring with her school orchestra at the Lincoln Center Alice Tully Hall in New York City. At her school’s annual concert, she wore many hats, such as  the leader, arranger, oboe soloist, vocal soloist, and lead dancer. It was at this time that Amanda 苡嫣 implemented a new, innovative style of presentation, one that challenged the traditional classical concert. She arranged Mandarin pop songs in opera format and arranged soundtrack of a Hollywood movie into the orchestra. It was clear she had the ability to combine different genres of music, like classical and pop, then transform them into a creative presentation. By the time Amanda 苡嫣 reached the age of 15, she was accepted with the highest scores into the National Tainan College of  Arts. That summer, she played the oboe and toured with the Taiwan Youth Orchestra throughout France, Austria, Hungary and Romania.

Senior High School, (1998-2001) :
While studying at the National Tainan College of Arts, she excelled, but often times found herself feeling trapped and wanting more from her college experience. Amanda 苡嫣 decided to transfer to a traditional senior high school in order to have the opportunity to apply for the university in the capital city, Taipei. The school delivered a more military oriented style of education Amanda 苡嫣 was not accustomed to. Despite having to take her standard education classes for the whole day, she continued pursuing music outside of school. At 16, she won second place in piano at the national competition hosted by Yamaha. Her hunger for creativity only grew as she branched out to different types of music. Amanda 苡嫣 joined two rock bands that year and was also the guest oboist for multiple woodwind bands in many cities throughout Taiwan. Additionally, she began growing an interest in jazz and jazz fusions. Soon after, she arranged fusion jazz pieces from Dave Grusin and David Benoit for electric organ. Although the school did not provide music education, that did not hinder her musical path to success. She managed to juggle both school and music by taking private music courses outside of the classroom. At 18 years old, Amanda 苡嫣 was accepted into two major universities of the arts, National Taipei University of Arts (Major in oboe, minor in piano) and Fu-Jen University (Major in piano, minor in oboe). Amanda 苡嫣 wanted her college experience to help develop her personality and further her knowledge of not only music and arts, but other aspects of life journey. As a result, Amanda 苡嫣 decided to attend to Fu-Jen University, a university that embodied the more open, westernized lifestyle Amanda 苡嫣 truly wanted for her young life. This decision was surprising to most since the National Taipei University of Arts was considered to be the top university for arts, but she decided to trust her intuition and listen to her heart.

University, (2001~2006):
Studying at Fu-Jen provided her freedom and diversity, and ultimately gave her a sufficient space to discover her true style both in music and in life. During her college career, she thrived in Jazz music. She attended to a summer music camp in Montreal. She took jazz courses and found a whole new appreciation for the genre of music. She also won the champion in an international piano competition. This was a turning point in her career, since she felt like she had achieved an elite level in classical and  as ready to turn to another challenge. She switched her focus to a whole new genre and decided to become a professional jazz musician. She not only excelled in jazz, she created a new style of music based on jazz. Amanda 苡嫣 quit her studies at the University of Fu-Jen and decided to develop her dream in Montreal, Canada. In 2003, she studied in Musi-technic college and learned music technology and production. In 2004, Amanda 苡嫣 was accepted into McGill University and studied Jazz Piano. She finished her entire 4-year college education in just 2 years, so that she could quickly apply her studies to the real world. She graduated from McGill University in 2006.

Early Career, (2007 ~ 2012)
From 2007-2008, Amanda 苡嫣 taught music theory and keyboard in Hwa Kang Arts Senior High School in Taipei City, Taiwan. In 2008, she was the first Taiwanese musician selected by Cirque Du Soleil. (as a Keyboardist) In 2009, she became a spoke model for KORG, the world-renowned music instrument company. In 2010, when she was 27 years old, she was invited to play keyboard and piano with the National Symphony Orchestra with Hollywood celebrity composer, George Fenton, celebrity singer and recording artist, Andrea Bocelli, and Japanese treasure composer, Joe Hisaishi. That year, Amanda 苡嫣 released her debut jazz album, Jazz Without Time Zones. In 2011, when she was 28, she arranged the album, The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy, for singer-songwriter Joanna Wang. She later toured with Joanna Wang throughout China, HK and Taiwan. She also performed with her own Jazz Trio in Taichung Jazz Festival, a popular festival in her hometown. She also composed and sang electronic house music, Love is Too Short, in celebrity DJ Shiuan Lui’s album. A few of her other celebrity featured-performances included pop singer A-Lin at the Golden Horse Awards, pop singer Olivia Ong at the Shanghai Jazz Festival. When she was 28 years old, the TED curator took notice of Amanda's music ability and unique way of living. She was invited to perform and speak at TED x Taipei, The Power of Journey.

Transitional Career (2013-2015)
By the time Amanda 苡嫣 reached the age of 30, she packed her prized possessions and moved to New York City to pursue her dream of becoming an international artist. During her first year in New York City, Amanda 苡嫣 became influenced by the vibrant city, developing an appreciation for fashion and business, but never losing sight of her music career. She collaborated with mixing engineer Paul Wickliffe, who was also the engineer for Mariah Carey, to produce her original EP, The Journey on Earth, Vol 1: Unknown Shortly after, she was chosen by Cirque Du Soleil for a second time as an oboist and backup vocalist. She also travelled to Europe to visit and collaborate with the producer of the famous German band, Jazzanova, for “The Journey On Earth, Vol.2: Stories Of Time” in Berlin. Fascinated by the European culture, Amanda 苡嫣decided to make her way to Italy. At 31 years old, she was offered a scholarship to learn Italian in Milan, Italy at ELLCI Italian Language School. During her studies in Milan, her father passed away from a sudden heart attack. She traveled back to Taiwan to be with her family and recuperate from the loss. After 6 months in Taiwan, she decided to get back on track towards her progress of becoming an international musical sensation. She gathered all that she had learned from her travels, musical experiences, and aesthetic influences and decided to create a blog, amandayiyen.com.

Integrative Career (2016- 2020)
Amanda launched her blog amandayiyen.com in March 2016, highlighting 4 main aspects of her life: Music, Fashion, Creative Idea and Journey. It combines all of her professional experiences, including her performance videos, album releases, fashion tips, creative thinking analysis, interviews with international musicians, and the cities where she lived and traveled. She is quickly evolving into a fashion influencer and be featured on the Fashion Magazine, Walk Fashion Week. Her entrepreneurship is also featured by female entrepreneur magazine, La Femme Collective.
In April 2017, Yiyen released her latest EP: The Journey On Earth, Vol. 2: Stories of Time, and gained much media attention in the United States. Four songs from the album premiered in the US, something not common from international artists. As a result, she toured in Taiwan, NY and Italy. Her song off the album, The Chaos of The Snow, was selected by JAZZIZ Magazine for their summer compilation. In 2018, she handpicked fashion shopping platforms in the fashion store in her blog. In 2020, she switches from blog to youtube, presenting the same 4 topics in video.